
Which Describes How The Second Industrial Revolution Changed The Family Structure?

Over the course of the Industrial Revolution in United kingdom, nosotros different aspects of how people were afflicted during this time.  Some examples of how families were affected include occupation changes, living weather, and the advancements of technology. It is easy to expect at the outside perspective and think that anybody must accept benefited from the Industrial Revolution because of the new applied science and jobs available.  After reading this page of how industrialization changed families, we hope to give you a different view on the Industrial Revolution.  Families were impacted in a new manner during the Industrial Revolution in England.  Different classes of people, the occupations they held, and what nationality they were played a office in how their families were impacted during this time.

What are the three main points that this Open up Educational Resource is going to cover?

How Different Classes of Families Were Impacted

Lower Class

This is an example of a poorhouse during the Industrial Revolution. Large families were forced to live in small quarters because they could not afford anything else. This illustration is from 1863 in Bethnal Green, London.
This is an example of a poorhouse during the Industrial Revolution. Big families were forced to live in small quarters because they could non afford annihilation else. This analogy is from 1863 in Bethnal Dark-green, London.

During the first one-half of the Industrial Revolution lower form individuals were living in conditions that were less than ideal.  The government gear up up "poorhouses," which were designed to hopefully although families to move away from relying on government aid because the conditions of living of these were horrendous. Often times, because of the magnitude of their situations, many only had the choice to observe a place of shelter.1 Considering of the pattern of these houses, it was often difficult for larger families find enough room to sleep, likewise as go nigh their daily activities.

Families, in the by, used to together every bit a unit to produce goods during the Agricultural Revolution merely with the start of the Industrial Revolution, this inverse drastically.  Piece of work and home life used to overlap as the play and piece of work could intertwine.  As families were working on the farms, the children were able to play and the parents were able to spend plenty of time with their family unit.  During the industrialization, home life and work life became separated.two Women's function in the industrial economic system took a major striking as they took on more than of the "housewife" roles while men worked long hours to brand money for their families.

Living conditions for skilled weavers and their families also inverse during and afterward the  Industrialization Revolution.  Earlier the Industrial Revolution they could piece of work at their own footstep from home, piece of work on gardening, weaving, and enhance small farm animals.  Families seemed to have lived very comfortable and content lifestyle and were able to choose their work days and hours.  After industrialization, many could no longer piece of work at their own stride or rely on opportunities such as weaving for their income.  Children were expected to go to piece of work in factories along with their parents and lost the time they formerly had to spend with their families.  The overall quality of life for near families and how they lived their lives negatively changed considering of the Industrial Revolution.3

Factory workers now performed repeated tasks for fourteen or more hours per 24-hour interval.four The following quote is from a man who worked in the factories in 1833.

" It is very much the example with some sort of men to go idle office of the week and to work extra hours the residuum. In such cases I have known men to work from three o'clock in the morn till ten o'clock at night. "five

An example of children working in the factories.
An case of children working in the factories.

As you lot can meet from this quote, the varied hours and inconsistent work days took a toll on families during the Industrial Revolution. It was difficult to spend quality fourth dimension together considering of the long work days so relationships oft became strained.six The mothers struggled to keep their families in good wellness while besides struggling to money.  A lot of times the children would have to go to piece of work for the factories as well because they are a lot smaller and can fit in smaller spaces.  Children but earned 1/10 of what men earned in the factories.  Many immature women would work for the factories when they were younger but one time they became married they would quit their jobs to accept care of the abode.  To make ends meet, some women would fifty-fifty take to continue working in the factories or mines while they were

Middle Form

At the end of the 19th century, we run into a "Eye Class" emerge due to industrialization.  Earlier this, there were merely the extremely wealthy who inherited their money and possessions or the extremely poor working class, who had to piece of work very hard for every penny they had.  People who were in the heart class tended to work jobs like shop keepers, bank tellers, merchants, insurance agents, accountants, managers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers.8 Near of these jobs were occupied by men while the women tended to continue the housewife role.

This image is an example of a middle class family in their home. You can see that they are dressed nicely and do not have dirty faces or hands, which was common to see in images of poor or working class families.
This image is an example of a middle grade family in their home. Yous tin run across that they are dressed nicely and practise not have dingy faces or hands, which was mutual to come across in images of poor or working class families.

 The center form men did non have to work as physically or as long of hours as the working class did, which allowed them to spend more fourth dimension with their wives and children.  Heart class children often did not have to work and were able to attend school during the solar day.  Some middle form families were well-off enough that they could hire a servant or maid who would melt or clean their houses occasionally.9 Still, home was split from work merely would be a identify where the families could gain emotional support and feel safe.  As time passed, women started having less children considering families could non beget to ship them all to school.  The baby mortality rate also decreased considering of better wellness intendance options and less pollution in the streets.10 Families were also smaller because they did not demand equally many kids to piece of work on farms like they had prior to the Industrial Revolution.

In what means were Lower Class families afflicted by the Industrial Revolution?

For more information click here.

How Dissimilar Occupations Were Impacted

In the English Industrial Revolution there were many changes to occupations throughout the country as more and more people moved into the big cities. The traditional family dynamic was in constant modify in-between the belatedly 18 th century throughout the 19 thursday century. Women and children had to work numerous long and dangerous jobs.11 It was quite a different time than earlier when small seamstress shops, farm fields and cobblers workshops were much more promising workplaces than the now common factory and mine shaft.

If a adult female were to work the same job as a man information technology was very rare for the woman to make more than money let alone the same as her male counterpart.12 A great example of this was in a silk mill in 1825 where 90% of an over a thou person workforce were women and none of which held a part with any ability and they all made less money than over 50% of the men working there.thirteen 1 other problem with the Industrial Revolution was the toll it took on an private'south wellness. It didn't aid that many of those working at this fourth dimension were working twelve plus hours a twenty-four hour period often with lilliputian slumber and information technology was also not uncommon for people to swallow small amounts of nutrient with very low nutritional value.14

Magnolia Cotton Mill Via Wikimedia
Magnolia Cotton wool Mill Via Wikimedia

Whether information technology exist those working in factories, coal mines, or mills people were getting sick at seemingly faster rates.15 This was because of many of the new businesses opening having very little regulations of the fumes their machines were using or of even the fumes of the items they were producing.xvi

Two examples of individuals in the English language Industrial Revolution are shown below. One of which is an example of ii girls who, considering their historic period, would not even exist working in the societies most industrialized nations there are today. This allows for a greater look at how different expectations for children were at this fourth dimension period. The other case is a wait at a heart anile woman who explains perfectly the fashion labor and societal norms at this fourth dimension afflicted women in particular and how they reacted. Overall during this time period at that place were many dissimilar jobs, just many of them had similar furnishings on those working both mentally, culturally, and health wise.

Mary and Rachell Enock, ages 11 and 12 years.

"We are door-keepers in the four pes level. We exit the house before half-dozen each morn and are in the level until seven o'clock and sometimes afterward. We get 2p a day and our calorie-free costs u.s.a. 2 1/2 p. a week. Rachel was in a day schoolhouse and she tin read a little. She was run over past a tram a while ago and was home sick a long time, but she has got over it."17

Jane Peacock Watson.

"I have wrought in the bowels of the globe 33 years. I accept been married 23 years and had 9 children, half-dozen are alive and 3 died of typhus a few years since. Take had 2 dead born. Horse-work ruins the women; it crushes their haunches, bends their ankles and makes them old women at 40. "18

How did family life change from pre to mail service Industrial Revolution in regard to occupation changes?

How Different Nationalities Were Impacted

Many nationalities immigrated to England during the showtime half of the Industrial Revolution one time information technology began to spread to nearly every region. It became popularized that working in a mill or mine was the all-time way to make money and aid provide for families. Some of the more well known nationalities impacted past the Industrial Revolution, other than the native Englanders, were the Scottish, Irish, and Welsh: the countries in the surrounding areas of England. These people were technically a function of the Great britain every bit their ain separate countries that held their own religions, customs and traditions.

This is an illustration of a family from Ireland waving goodbye to their loved ones who are leaving the country in search for a new life in England. It is entitled 'Emigrants Leave Ireland', engraving by Henry Doyle (1827–1892), from Mary Frances Cusack's Illustrated History of Ireland, 1868
This is an analogy of a family from Ireland waving goodbye to their loved ones who are leaving the land in search for a new life elsewhere. It is entitled 'Emigrants Leave Ireland', engraving by Henry Doyle (1827–1892), from Mary Frances Cusack's Illustrated History of Republic of ireland, 1868 Via Wikimedia

These different nationalities immigrated to where piece of work was most prominent, where there were more benefits, and where they thought they would be more financially and economically successful, which was a rare affair to discover during this time. Many of these migrants were destitute farmers who would get evicted from their land by their landlords so they had no option but to move inland to find piece of work at a factory, mine, or mill because they needed money to provide for their families. Additionally, factories were often hiring and then information technology was fairly easy to find piece of work for those who didn't have many skills. This is why many of them immigrated to England and the bigger cities where there were the most factories. For example, in Liverpool and Manchester, roughly 25 to 33 pct of the workers there were Irish.nineteen

As yous tin probably tell from this painting on the left, many families were divided and sometimes forced to move apart due to famines, diseases, poverty and poor living atmospheric condition. Other times they merely could not provide for their families anymore so the promise of labor in bigger cities was very appealing. Some families did not wish to get out simply considering they did non want to carelessness their homes/ farms and the cost of moving was too expensive. In other instances, they had to take care of someone who was sick or who physically was not able to leave, perhaps a grandparent. Another factor was that many did not want to risk losing their young children and other elderly relatives on the journey over because that was a long and dangerous plight in itself. This sometimes made it difficult for people to get out and brand the transition of living in a new country since they were leaving loved ones backside and considering they would probably never come across them again.

Certain factories or mills in the different regions mentioned before provided medical help, food, and teaching for their workers and their families which is why many of them chose to get in that location. Cornwall and South Wales are a couple examples where this occurred. Another companies provided libraries and playgrounds for their workers and their families, along with other amenities such as cooking and washing facilities and heating. Many of these families chose to stay and build a life there. Not before long they started to form little communities surrounding the factories where they worked known as "factory villages".20

People and families who worked in some of these factory/mining communities had to follow certain rules and moral orders to reflect the business organization that they worked for. Their behavior was constantly beingness regulated and sometimes when people were caught fighting or causing mischief they would exist dismissed and never taken on over again, forcing them to starve or emigrate somewhere else. This tended to happen to the Welsh more than other groups considering some of the men would drink on occasion, more-so during strikes and riots, and this hindered their abilities to work and practise a adept job, only drinking was a office of their social life and civilisation.21

This is a painting of a factory village entitled Oldham from Glodwick (1831) by James Howe Carse Via Wikimedia
This is a painting of a manufactory village entitled Oldham from Glodwick (1831) by James Howe Carse Via Wikimedia

 How practice you lot recollect families of different nationalities were affected by the Industrial Revolution?

There were many different struggles that families had to go through in the Industrial Revolution. The citizens of the new industrialized cities had to cope with their form at the fourth dimension, their occupation of "choice", and their heritage. Each variable impacting their life in sometimes unforeseen ways.  All of which made major differences in their quality of life. This time period, although rough at times, immune for a major alter in how homo society maintained itself in such a relatively short amount of time.

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1. "Effects of the Industrial Revolution," Modern Globe History Interactive Textbook,date accessed February 28, 2016,

two. Ibid.

iii. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

vi. Ballad Adams, Paula Bartley, Judy Lown, Cathy Loxton,Under Control: Life in a nineteenth-century Silk Factory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Printing), 1-48.

7. Ibid.

8. "Effects of the Industrial Revolution," Modern World History Interactive Textbook,date accessed February 28, 2016,

nine. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

eleven. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

thirteen. Ballad Adams, Paula Bartley, Judy Lown, Cathy Loxton,Under Control: Life in a nineteenth-century Silk Factory (Cambridge: Cambridge Academy Press), one-48

14. "The Coal Mines Industrial Revolution," Women in World History Curriculum, date accessed May eleven, 2016,

15. Marjorie Bloy, "A Web of English language History," Study of the Commissioners on the employment of children in Factories (1833), Last modified 4 March, 2016,

16. "The Coal Mines Industrial Revolution," Women in World History Curriculum, date accessed May 11, 2016,

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Jack Goldstone,  "Gender, Work, and Culture: Why the Industrial Revolution Came Early to England just Late to China," Sociological Perspectives 39:i (1996), one-12.

20. Sidney Pollard, "The Factory Village in the Industrial Revolution," The English Historical Review, 79: 312 (1964) , 513-531.

21. Ibid.


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